Alwyn Nursery & Primary School

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Alwyn Nursery and Primary School today is run by Mrs. Sandra Smaller, Mrs. Baldrey’s daughter, who has continued the work of her mother with the aim to achieve one of the best nursery schools in the locality with zest and zeal.

Tireless years of dedicated work and service towards children and striving hard to stay on top in this competitive profession proved to be a very hard task, but with God’s endless grace and strength, we are proud to stand strong in this beautiful Rainbow Coloured Building which emanates an aura of colour and vigour to the locality.

Students from all walks of life benefit from our institution and have moved on to great professions to which we are very proud of today.

Motto, Vision & Mission


The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.


To provide an atmosphere where every child feels loved, respected and encouraged to develop to their fullest potential with a firm, positive mindset from primary education to then take on the world.


To provide outstanding education with able communication skills in an academically adept environment and to enable our students to take on current and future challenges and responsibilities for their own personal growth to be lifelong learners and responsible citizens.

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